RIHA Journal is the online-journal of RIHA.
RIHA Journal seeks to reflect the manifold dimensions of the discipline.
RIHA Journal is an Open Access journal. All articles published in the journal are available free of charge.
Contributions undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process and are published within few months from submission.
RIHA Journal welcomes submissions on any topic in the history of art that significantly contribute to current research. To contribute, please contact the RIHA institute in your country / field of expertise, or the managing editor.
RIHA Journal has been launched April 14, 2010.
Contact Managing Editor
Andrea Lermer
Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte
Katharina-von-Bora-Str. 10
D–80333 München
phone + 49 (0)89 289 27604
fax + 49 (0)89 289 27607